Fitness Is Over Your Shoulder

“I’m not sure how scientific it is. It’s debatable,” says orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kekoo Kavarna, when asked about reverse p90X3 workout running’s effect on joints. Dr Pradeep Bhosale of Global Hospitals agrees. “The body is meant to function in a certain way, and our joints play a specific role. Humans are meant to walk forward.
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From fashion to fitness: the experts behind Apple’s wearable future


Paul Deneve (Special Projects): Lending credibility to the idea that Apples iWatch product could attempt to blur the lines between fashion and function is the appointment of high-profile Yves Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve back in July ( pictured on the left above, next to friend of Jony Ive, Marc Newson). Apple picked up Deneve to work under Tim Cook on special projects, although apparently not in retail, and the executives experience in selling high end goods could come in handy if Apple plans to market iWatch as just as much a piece of fashion as technology.With Apples reputation of building high end products that are concerned with beauty and design aesthetics just as much as user friendliness, its not a stretch to imagine the iWatch team would seek input from an executive from one of the worlds premier fashion brands. Angela Ahrendts (Incoming Senior VP, Retail): While not exactly confirmed to be working on the iWatch project directly, Apples new Head of Retail, expected to start this spring, is notable for a number of reasons. There have been a lot of question regarding whether or not a watch product from Apple would seek design inspiration from the high end fashion market, and Ahrendts , as former CEO of Burberry, is one of the worlds experts in both designing and selling fashion-related goods. Her expertise will be critical at the point of sale (both online and in-store) for future Apple wearable devices.
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Top fitness trends for 2014

<img src='; width='200px' alt='Plank to palm: Lower to forearm plank, elbows under shoulders, forearms straight out in front of you, feet hip distance apart, knees off floor. Try not to swivel hips during movements. Raise up to regular plank position, right hand, then left hand. Lower to forearm plank position, right forearm, then left forearm. Switch sides.’ style=’float:left;padding:5px’ />

(Andrew A. Nelles, Chicago Tribune) By Wendy Donahue , Tribune Newspapers 1:43 p.m. CST, February 5, 2014 If you want to know how to get the biggest return on exertion in 2014, join the club or just stay in bed. “The overall trend in fitness these days is efficiency,” said Mark Beier, a fitness guru and creator of the quinoa-based Mark Bar ( “We just don’t have time to work out.
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